RGB LEDs based on the currently active layer as well as the status of Caps Lock. hs.keycodes.map: Type: Constant: Description: A mapping from string representation of a key to its keycode, and vice versa. This allowed me to compare the comfort level of each to see which one feels right. This hyper key opens up so many more possibilities, for having global or application specific function. Press and hold Caps Lock: Hyper (ctrl+alt+cmd) Hyper + 1, 2, 3.
Hammerspoon map both shift pressed to caps lock windows#
5 - popup duration local modifiers = "" - key modifiers string representation local flags = tap_event:getFlags () local character = hs.keycodes.map - we only want to read special characters via getKe圜ode, so we - use this subset of hs.keycodes. When you press a key, QMK goes looking through the stack of layers. This is for both cursor movement and window management (Spectacle vs Hammerspoon scripted). Haha, super elaborate I just 5 minutes ago managed to get what I wanted to work using Seil to rebind caps lock to F16 and then just binding my hammerspoon function to that the goal was to use caps lock as a key to switch between windows in the current space. Hammerspoon and Karabiner-Elements take this to a whole new level however, by allowing the caps lock key to function as an escape key when pressed alone, and also acting as a hyper key when pressed in conjunction with other keys.

Function showKeyPress (tap_event ) local duration = 1.